"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also for the Greek" Romans 1:16



Bethel Russian Messianic Ministries and Congregation

P. O. Box 360165

Cleveland, Ohio 44136, USA

Igor B., Missionary and Pastor

Email: pastorigorbethel@yahoo.com , Youtube: Russian Hebrew Christian


Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master.

Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher.

Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer.

Had no army, yet kings feared Him.

He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.

He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.

He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. Hallelujah!


Dear Friend in the Lord Jesus the Messiah,

Warmest greetings to you in the blessed Name of our Coming Lord Yeshua.  Thank you very much for your prayers and faithfully support of this ministry to our Lord Jesus as we reach out in love with the Gospel of the Messiah to an increasing number of Jewish and not-Jewish souls in these last days. The Lord will richly bless you and give you His joy as you bless and do good to the Jewish People in His Name. We are privileged to love the Jews for the Messiah’s sake (Gen. 12:3; Rom.11:30-31).

We live on End Times, and situation with Covid19 another sign that Lord Yeshua is coming back soon. I am praying that all of you and yours be saved in the Lord, and also saved from this virus…But let’s be calm, trusting in the God, who controls everything. Let’s continue live as Lord’s witnesses that people could see Jesus thru our practical life. Hope that God by His Mercy will give another Grace and we could go through this challenge… Thank you very much that you remember us in this difficult time for all…will continue trust in the Lord!

In March, Tatiana and myself have an Anniversary of 30 Years together as a Family. Thank you for your prayers.

On April 4, most churches will celebrate Passover. By the Bible, Pesach should always be on 14 Nissan (Aviv). In this year, by Jewish calendar, Passover will be on sunset of April 8. Passover is the first holiday and is also first in the Biblical New Year, because God says that the New Year starts in the month of Nissan (Aviv).  When Lord blessed the bread (Mazah) which was eaten in the day of Passover and was given to his disciples, He said that this bread is His body. The cup of wine, which they separated after the supper, which symbolized salvation, joy, and blessings, after the blessings of Yeshua-HaMoshiah, started to be His blood, spilled for our sins. This is the new value, which Jesus put in the Passover. And now Passover has spiritual value for everyone in the world, who believes in Yeshua the Messiah- who is our Passover. “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world! “(John 1:29b).  The Passover holiday is a great holiday, which talks to us about the deliverance of the Dead, so that we are the children of God, for which Lord Jesus the Messiah died on the cross.

 In the Bible, we see in the month of Nissan (Aviv) 3 holidays in 8 days. First, it’s the Passover which shows us Lord’s death as the Lamb of God. Next day starts a Feast of Unleavened Bread which shows that we are holy in Him. This holiday continues for 7 days. But on the 2nd day of this holiday comes another holiday called First fruit that shows us the resurrection of the Messiah (1Cor.15:20). 3 holidays, 3 prophecies fulfilled in 8 days. We can read about these holidays in the book of Leviticus 23 .

In this letter we will share some testimonies from previous months. In Minneapolis, MN we see much more homeless and drug influenced people in Downtown, also with gang activities. Almost there is not Police in the city. Most businesses protected by wood coverings. Recently, the weather was -18 F, very cold, but we witnessed. I met a woman. She asked pray for her. She cried a lot, saying that she has so many family problems. Some other people were listening, but someone came close and tried to hit us. Another person told us that only black people are here, and we are as white can’t preach to black. I said that we love them, and God loves everyone because in Christ not differences black, white or others. The man calmed and left. On that day we had couple incidents, but Praise God, everything went well.

In Denver Airport, 2 Israelites accepted 2 Hebrew NT’s, and another Spanish speaking woman took Spanish NT for herself and Hebrew NT for her boss from Israel. Another 2 Israelites, rejected, because they said that they are religious and don’t need Yeshua. Two Spanish speaking women accepted 2 NT’s in Chicago airport. At McDonalds, through the window, I met another Spanish speaking lady. I asked her if she read Bible? She told me that she didn’t have it at all. I offered and she accepted. Praise God! Muslim woman, I met in Cleveland, also took Arabic NT. Another Arabic woman said to me that she really wants to have NT and we gave her. In an airplane an Indian woman got NT. In Miami, an owner of a store, Jewish from Montreal, accepted NT in English. Two Rabbis and one Hassidic Jewish, unfortunately, declined. I still continue to use opportunities to share in Post offices, Grocery stores, through windows at Fast food restaurants and any other places, even at a Red light stops…In average, people started to receive more often Bibles, than before, beginning from the“Quarantine”.

Thank you for your partnership, dear brothers and sisters. If God leads your heart to support Bethel ministry, please send your donation to: Bethel Messianic Congregation, PO Box 360165, Cleveland Ohio 44136. All donations are tax deductible.

Please pray to become our supporter by prayers and giving if you are not yet. Our ministry needs more financial help, and we need more faithful supporters. Remember that your prayers and financial contributions are a great partnership with this work for glory of the Lord-Messiah Yeshua, especially at this End Times period.

 Thank you for praying for my family and Congregation.

May Lord richly bless you in this Holyday season, Shalom in Yeshua Bethel and bro.Igor.

Lord Jesus is risen- He is risen indeed!


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