"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also for the Greek" Romans 1:16


BethEl Russian Messianic Congregation and Ministries

P.O.Box 360165

Cleveland, Ohio 44136, USA.

Igor B., Missionary and Pastor. 

Email: pastorigorbethel@yahoo.com


Dear Friend in the Messiah,

Shalom and warmest greetings to you. Thank you very much for your faithful support by your prayers and financial giving. It is a privilege for me to write you a letter about the work of the Beth-El. Thank you to be a co-laborers and partners together.

 One unknown author said, “For the days are dark and the work is great, and the time is slipping away, so whatever we think of doing for God we had better do it today.” I believe that Jesus is coming very soon. Maybe for us it is the last opportunity to share the good news to the people around. I believe, the best blessing that we can give to the people is to let them know about Jesus as a Redeemer and only the way to be saved because without Jesus, there is no salvation.

In the month of May I witnessed by God’s grace to more than 2000 people. God blessed us very much in Canada, when we had an outreach at Niagara Falls. Many thousand of people include tourist from different countries were in present. Within 3 hours we were witnessing and distributing Bibles. I was very surprised that even children asked Holy Scripture, and we gave all out brought with us. People from China, India, Spanish speaking, Canadians and many others were interested. We were standing at a main road, very close to Falls, at a corner. So, many people heard wonderful news. As I mentioned, children and youth came to as and said we want have Bible! Praise God! After, when we finished public witness and Bible distribution, we decided more individually talk with people. Sure, we met some who were angry and said bad words, but in generally everything went safe and blessed by God’s grace. I met 3 Israelites. Spoke and witnessed, but unfortunately, they didn’t want to accept Scripture. We continued share Gospel and stopped at  Arabic restaurant while were walking. I saw a young woman who were outside. I came to her and learned that she is Turkish Muslim, and works in the restaurant. We started conversation and I witnessed. She was so happy and open to hear about Jesus. It was really so beautiful how she accepted. I also promised to Turkish Muslim was open for Gospel. I had some materials in Turkish I gave her. I promised to send her Bible in Turkish and already shipped. Please pray for her and all other who don’t know Lord Jesus to repent and become Christians through reading the Word of grace.

While we were walking, continuing talk with people. I saw another lady who was kiosk worker. Learned she is from India. Witnessed to her and God touched her heart to accept NT. It was very hot and we became very tired, but we felt big spiritual attack by the evil one against Gospel. Praise God that many prayed and pray for our ministry and we won that the name of Yeshua glorifies!

We also figured out that people in Canada as the same in USA don’t have Bibles and its very important to distribute Word of God because faith comes from hearing and hearing from Word of God.

On Sunday, I was preaching in Slavic Canadian Evangelical Church. During the service I needed to go outside to my car. I saw 3 children who were playing in the church yard. They were not children of church members. I said hello and started talking with them about Jesus. One girl told me that she doesn’t have Bible and wish to read about Jesus. Praise God, she got it. So, any opportunities we have, dear brothers and sisters, lets use to share way of salvation. 

Thank you for your prayers for my family. Please continue pray, especially for my four sons. Thank you so much for partnering with us. Please remember that we need very much for your prayers and financial support to continue the work. Our giving in May was low, but God will provide. 


If God leads you to start or continue to help us financially, please send your donations to the Beth-El Messianic Congregation, P.O Box 360165, Cleveland, OH 44136. All donations are tax deductible.

 With Love in The Messiah Yeshua BethEl and brother Igor. Shalom!

June 5, 3024 — 28 Iyar, 5784.


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