"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also for the Greek" Romans 1:16



BethEl Russian Messianic Ministries and Congregation

P.O.Box 360165

Cleveland, Ohio 44136 , USA.

Igor Bagirov, Missionary and Pastor

(440) 532-1127; pastorigorbethel@yahoo.com


Dear Friend in the Messiah,

Shalom and Warmest greetings to you in Yeshua our Redeemer.

I hope this letter will find you well. Thank you very much for all your help by prayer fellowship at the Throne of Grace and financial supporting of our ministry. Your help is greatly valued and is helping because of the Power and efficacy of His Precious Blood!

Psalm 133:1 says: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity!"(KJV).  When you help the work of this ministry, you go with us to every street, house, Hospital. You are going to witnessing and taking the Word of God to the thousand Russian speaking Jewish and non-Jewish people in our city, Israelites, Muslims and others. Lord values your faithfulness. Everyone will have their reward. God promised this through Abraham in Genesis 12:3. Faithful over a little will be set over much. If you took a plough to your hand you shouldn’t watch back. We will plow and sow this field with faith. We believe that we will have a good harvest.  The flood of the Holy Spirit spreads around this land and cleanses it. We are called to do everything for the Lord. We believe, that purity and holiness will be as a part of our born again life in the Messiah. Thank you very much whom faithfully remember us.

  In May, we witnessed by the grace of the Lord, to more than 1000 people in

Seattle WA, Chicago IL, and in Cleveland OH.

In Portland OR, I met an orthodox Jew, who is studying to become a Rabbi, and was visiting the area. The man was open for Gospel, and I witnessed to him. After that he told me that I am a first Jew in his life who told him that Yeshua is the Messiah. I was so blessed to hear this. I offered him New Testament and said that everything what is written in Tanach about the Messiah Yeshua fulfilled in the book of New Testament. But I saw a fear in his eyes. Very long time ago Orthodox Rabbis stated that every Jew who even touches New Testament book is cursed. Many Jewish people afraid even look at the book. And this man told me that he can’t take it, but if he would to have this book on his phone he will read it. I just laughed, because rabbis did not say anything about reading NT on phones. Praise God that I had a free app for cell phones with Bibles in different languages including Hebrew. The man gladly took it. Please pray for him.

In my connection flight, in an airport I met 2 Jewish Rabbis. I tried to witness to them and said that Yeshua is the Messiah. Rabbis became very angry and did not want to continue.

In Seattle, WA my friend A. and I went to a Westlake Center for air preaching. My friend A. left me for few minutes, but I chose to start sharing Good News. Shortly a young homeless man with a dog stopped. He asked me:” What are you doing”. I responded:” I am sharing Gospel that Jesus is the Lord and He died for our sins according Scripture and rose from dead”. The homeless said that he loves Jesus, but after that he also said that he loves allah , buddah and everyone. I told him that only Jesus is the Lord and the way to heaven. The man did not like my respond and tried to punch me. I only could pray by asking Lord that if this man hits me it would be very hard to continue to preach. The man tried to punch me, but something stopped him. At the end he said that he would be happy to throw me to fire to burn.  After that he left.

Soon my friend returned and we continued. Lord blessed us met many different people. Soon we met another homeless person, and we also had a conversation with him. The person told me that he met some missionaries who told him that he will be in the hell because he smokes cigarettes. They also said to him that he is a hypocrite. I responded that until somebody is alive he has a mercy of repentance and can change his or her lifestyle. The man took NT and started to walk away. He crossed a road. Many people were around. He stopped, put his head up, opened a mouth and started to scream very loud: “Jesus help me, Jesus help me, Jesus help me”. People stopped and thought that something is happened, but the man was screaming to the Lord.   After that he walked away.  I know that God heard him.

Thank you for your prayers and partnership. People from our congregation send to you Shalom and thanks. All of my family is very appreciative for your prayers.  Please continue to pray so that God will send more faithful supporters to our ministry. If you have opportunity to help us by prayers and finances please help so that we can continue to reach people for the Messiah Yeshua.

Please pray to help us financially as well, and if God leads your hearts to start or continue to support us, please send your donations to Beth-El Messianic Congregation and Ministries, P.O. Box 360165, Cleveland, OH, 44136. All donations are tax deductible.

  May the Lord -God of Israel richly bless you. Please pray for Israel as we see that there are more and more attacks against God’s chosen people.

 Maran Ata! Shalom in Yeshua, Beth-El Messianic Congregation and Pastor Igor.



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