"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also for the Greek" Romans 1:16



BethEl Russian Messianic Congregation and Ministries 

P.O.Box 360165 , Cleveland Ohio 44136 , USA. 

Igor B. Missionary and Pastor. Email: pastorigorbethel@yahoo.com


Dear Friend in the Lord,

Warmest greetings to you in that Worthy Name of the One who is Exalted! Thank you for your gracious giving and prayers for this ministry to our Lord Jesus, as we present the Word of Life to the Jewish and non-Jewish People for their salvation in Him, and the worship of the Lamb. Your fellowship in the Gospel is greatly appreciated. May you know His richest blessing and joy as you honor Him.

Let me remind the promise He gives to Israel in Isaiah 30:18 concerning her future salvation: “And therefore will the Lord wait, in order that He may be gracious to you, and therefore He be exalted, so that He may have mercy upon you. Blessed are all they that wait for him”. Israel will know Him and His mercy as a result of our witnesses to these people with our prayers. As we remember Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:1. “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved”.  The Apostle Paul writes to every saved Gentile, “For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their (the Jews) unbelief: even so have these now not believed, that through your mercy they (the Jews) also may obtain mercy.” Paul reminds every believer whom the Lord Jesus has saved from among the Gentiles why he or she is saved, when he writes, “That the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy. (Romans 15:9a). The same word “mercy” is used by Paul in Romans 15:9 and 11:30 -31. He is showing us in these verses how every saved Gentile is to glorify God in His Will for the mercy he or she has received. 

In the month of June, with God’s help, we were able to witness to more than 3000 people. In Vancouver WA, we decided to share in Water Front area for the first time. It was Friday, but a lot of people were present. It is a very beautiful area close to a river with many restaurants and a park. We were walking, talking, and individually witnessing to people. Some were open and accepted Scripture, but many didn’t want to hear about Jesus, especially from “lgbt” community. We met some people from satanist group who “hailed the devil”, but we reminded them about power of the Blood of Lord Jesus. One person told us that his daughter was killed by drunk driver and he very angry against God now. We talked with him for a while, and after prayed with him. The outreach went very successful, and we thanked and praise God for this.

In Pittsburg PA, at Strip District, we met a group of teenagers. They had lot of questions about God. We had a very blessed conversation and two of them decided to have NT’s. Another person, whom I met, told me that he is “Christian”, but want to convert to Judaism as he found that his family has Jewish background. I witnessed to him about Yeshua and what is Bible Christianity, and told to not convert to Judaism, because be more Jewish by believing in Yeshua. He asked us to pray for him and we prayed together. Two Muslim families also accepted Scripture. One person whom I stopped said that he thinks that God exists, but he doesn’t know who is God? We talked with him and showed who God Almighty is from the Bible, and shared good news. After that he had desire to have Word of God and learn more about God of Israel. We probably witnessed to up to 100 people personally that day. Some were drunk, but stopped and listened about Hope in Jesus when I used a microphone for public sharing. We had a big poster with a Scripture. While we were walking, someone started to call us. I saw 2 women and a man. They were sitting in an outside bar and asked me to come to them. When I came, a man left. Two young women stayed and started asking about Jesus. They were a little drunk, but I saw sorrow on their eyes, and one of them even started to cry.

God willing, in my next letter I am going to share our outreach at gay parade in Greenville SC, in the end of June, when we were physically attacked and harassed by lgbt groups, but where one person also repented.

Thank you for your faithfulness and partnership. Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for all my family, the ministry and my health. Our January support was a little better last month, but not enough for the Ministry. We want be thankful for everything.

If God leads you to start or continue to help us financially, please send your donation to the Beth-El Messianic Congregation, P.O. Box 360165, Cleveland, OH 44136. We need your support by Prayers and finances. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel richly bless you. All donations are Tax deductible.

May Lord Yeshua richly Bless you! In The Messiah, bro. Igor. Shalom u’ Bracha!





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