Beth-El Russian Messianic Ministries and Congregation
P.O.Box 360165 , Cleveland, Ohio 44136, USA.
Igor B., Missionary and Pastor. Email:
Dear Friend in the Lord Yeshua the Messiah,
Warmest greetings to you in Emmanuel’s Precious and Exalted
name! (Psalm 57:5 and 11). I pray that you are well and that
this letter will be a great blessing to you. I thank God for
each friend who is sacrificially giving and remembering this
work of the Lord in their prayers. I thank God for your
fellowship in the Gospel, and I praise Him for your help in
showing the Jews and non-Jews the love of the Messiah. We know
our service of love to Him among the Jewish People is pleasing
to the Lord. (Mark 14:6c; Genesis 12:3), and we know that our
labor is not in vain in the Lord hope to continue with you and
some new brothers and sisters to partnering and have fellowship
together also in this New, 2025 Year.
We are in the last days before the Lord’s return. We know this
from the signs of the times. The Lord Jesus is preparing the Jew
for the time when He shall be revealed at His Second Coming to
this people and out from the Jews to the Nations. It is the
privilege of each believer on the Lord Jesus the Messiah to now
have a vital part in supporting the faithful sowing of the Word
of God among these people. Israel shall come to know the Lord
Jesus the Messiah through the faithful sowing of His Word. This
sowing of the Word of God among the Jews with our prayers is
linked to the prophecy: “But ye shall be named the priests of
the Lord: men shall call you ministers of our God” (Isaiah
61:6a). Israel shall minister the Messiah to the Nations,
showing Christ and his glory to the Gentiles. (Isaiah
59:20-60:3; 66:19).
In Philadelphia PA we had two parts of an evangelism. First, we
went to a Russian food store to reach mainly Russian speaking
Jewish people. God blessed us very much. Most of Jewish people
we met were very open to hear the gospel and accept Scriptures.
Even some Russian speaking Muslim people were open for good
In the Philadelphia area, more than 250,000 Jews from the former
Soviet Union and a lot who speak Russian language live there. We
usually are there 2-3 times every year by God’s grace. Next step
was a “Christmas Village “in Downtown. There were many thousands
of people. We had very few problems with some people, but mainly
everything went very blessed, and we distributed a lot of
evangelical literature.
In Spokane, WA with a sister Ukrainian Church, we preached in
the center of the city. A lot of people were in presence because
of the Holidays. A group of young women stopped while I was
sharing the gospel. One of them was very angry and told me that
she hates me. Her eyes were very demonic, and I felt evil spirit
attacking me, but I started praying and called Blood of Jesus
reminding me that “Who is inside of me more who is outside”. I
wish this woman only salvation. We continued preaching and
singing evangelical songs.
In Pittsburgh PA, we also had two parts of an outreach. First,
we went to Strip district. It was snowing and cold. My son
Rafael was with us. He personally witnessed to people and some
of them accepted bibles after. We met some Vietnamese workers
who got literature in the Vietnamese language. Some were
laughing on us and saying that they are celebrating on December
25 Santa Claus birthday, and some other things, but we prayed
for them. After that, we drove downtown and witnessed at
ice-skating and main tree area, where hundreds of people were
attending. It went very well as many of the people heard good
news and some accepted Bibles. We had, unfortunately, unlawful
pressure by a security guard who tried to not give us to preach
and was aggressive, but God protected us. I called the police
but nobody showed up. At the end we met a man from Pakistan, and
he got a NT.
Please pray for my family, myself and the ministry. We need
extra support for this time of period. If God leads you to start
or continue to support Bethel ministries, please send your
donation to: Bethel Messianic Congregation, P.O. Box 360165,
Cleveland Ohio 44136. All donations are Tax deductible.
If you requested a Tax receipt for 2024, you’ll find it in this
or in my next letter in February, or in both. If you
donated by PayPal, you’ll get it by email also. For all Zelle
donations, we need you to contact us asap and provide an email
May God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel richly bless you. Shalom
and thank you for your partnership with us! Happy New, 2025
January 7, 2025 —- 7 Tevet, 5785.
In The Messiah, Bethel ministries and bro.Igor.