"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also for the Greek" Romans 1:16




BethEl Russian Messianic Ministries and Congregation 
P.O.Box 360165 
Cleveland, Ohio 44136 , USA. 
Igor Bagirov, Missionary and Pastor 
(440) 532-1127; 

Dear Friend in the Messiah,

Shalom and warmest greetings to you. Thank you very much for your faithful support by your prayers and financial giving. It is a privilege for me to write you a letter about the work of the Beth-El. Thank you to be a co-laborers and partners together.

One unknown author said, “For the days are dark and the work is great, and the time is slipping away, so whatever we think of doing for God we had better do it today.” I believe that Jesus is coming very soon. Maybe for us it is the last opportunity to share the good news to the people around. I believe, the best blessing that we can give to the people is to let them know about Jesus as a Redeemer and only the way to be saved because without Jesus, there is no salvation.

 In the month of July, I witnessed by God’s grace, to more than 3000 people. Most of them I met in Baltimore MD, where we had together with a Ukrainian Evangelical Church a baseball game outreach. As before, we started witnessing in a train we used to reach the stadium in downtown. Some people accepted Christian brochures. We also gave a few NT to young teenagers who told us that they don’t have Bible. When we got to the area, we went to our place to share good news. Because “Orioles” were playing with “Yankees”, there were much more people than the previous time we had an outreach. We distributed up to 1000 evangelical materials. The outreach went very well, even though we had some issues. Security tried to stop our witnessing. I think they got a command by stadium administration, but we were standing at a public place and explained that we have a right to preach the gospel. I also told them if they disagree, they could call the police to decide. After that I asked do not violate first amendment and continued preaching. They never called the police because they knew what they are doing is a violation and the only reason they wanted to stop our outreach was their hate to Christ. After 2 hours, we finished and returned the same way in the train. This time, when we witnessed, we had a problem with a woman. She became very angry after she heard the truth of gospel. We were praying for her as well, and God protected us even though she threatened me with a punch.

In an airport, I met a young transgender, who told me that “her” roots are from Russia. “She” had a bag with a sign: “I love gay people”. I told the person that I also love gay people and asked if “she” wants to know why. So, we started to have a conversation. I shared about God and his love, about Christ and why Jesus died. I was speaking loudly because I figured out that people were in front and behind us were listening. My goal was that more people could hear about Lord Jesus who commands all to repent! The transgender was listening without interruption. When I offered NT, “she” rejected. But I know that the word made a work and never returns in void. I also met 2 ladies from China, and they accepted Gospel of John in Chinese and other literature in Chinese.

In King of Prussia mall, I met a Muslim woman from Azerbaijan. She has a business kiosk selling toys.  One year ago, I witnessed to her husband who is from Turkey, and gave him a NT in Turkish. During our conversation I learned that she is reading the book. This is very good news. After our discussion, I told her that I have a desire to pray for them, and she agreed. I prayed in the Name of Jesus for their salvation.

Thank you for your prayers for my family. Please continue pray, especially for my four sons. Thank you so much to be partners with us. Please remember that we need very much your prayers and financial support to continue the work.

We need a strong financial help to continue. If God leads you to start or continue to help us financially, please send your donations to the Beth-El Messianic Congregation, P.O Box 360165, Cleveland, OH 44136. All donations are tax deductible.

 With Love in The Messiah Yeshua BethEl and brother Igor. Shalom!

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