Bethel Russian Messianic
Ministries and Congregation
P. O. Box 360165, Cleveland,
Ohio 44136, USA
Igor B.,
Missionary and Pastor. Email:
Jesus had no servants, yet
they called Him Master. Had
no degree, yet they called
Him Teacher. Had no
medicines, yet they called
Him Healer. Had no army, yet
kings feared Him. He won no
military battles, yet He
conquered the world. He
committed no crime, yet they
crucified Him. He was buried
in a tomb, yet He lives
today. Hallelujah!
Dear Friend in the Lord
Jesus the Messiah, Warmest
greetings to you in the
blessed Name of our Coming
Lord Yeshua. Thank you
very much for your prayers
and faithfully support of
this ministry to our Lord
Jesus as we reach out in
love with the Gospel of the
Messiah to an increasing
number of Jewish and
not-Jewish souls in these
last days. The Lord will
richly bless you and give
you His joy as you bless and
do good to the Jewish People
in His Name. We are
privileged to love the Jews
for the Messiah’s sake (Gen.
12:3; Rom.11:30-31).
On March 31, most churches
celebrated Passover. By the
Bible, Pesach should always
be on 14 Nissan (Aviv). In
this year, by Jewish
calendar, Passover will be
on sunset of April 22.
Passover is the first
holiday and is also first in
the Biblical New Year,
because God says that the
New Year starts in the month
of Nissan (Aviv). When
Lord blessed the bread (Mazah)
which was eaten in the day
of Passover and was given to
his disciples, He said that
this bread is His body. The
cup of wine, which they
separated after the supper,
which symbolized salvation,
joy, and blessings, after
the blessings of
Yeshua-HaMoshiah, started to
be His blood, spilled for
our sins. This is the new
value, which Jesus put in
the Passover. Now, Passover
has spiritual value for
everyone in the world, who
believes in Yeshua the
Messiah- who is our
Passover. “Behold the Lamb
of God which taketh away the
sin of the world! “(John
1:29b). The Passover
holiday is a great holiday,
which talks to us about the
deliverance of the Dead, so
that we are the children of
God, for which Lord Jesus
the Messiah died on the
cross. In the Bible,
we see in the month of
Nissan (Aviv) 3 holidays in
8 days. First, it’s the
Passover which shows us
Lord’s death as the Lamb of
God. Next day starts a Feast
of Unleavened Bread which
shows that we are holy in
Him. This holiday continues
for 7 days. But on the 2nd day
of this holiday comes
another holiday called First
fruit that shows us the
resurrection of the Messiah
(1Cor.15:20). 3 holidays, 3
prophecies fulfilled in 8
days. We can read
about these holidays in the
book of Leviticus 23.
In March, by God’s grace, I
witnessed to more than 1000
people. In Pittsburg, PA, we
went to Strip District. It
was Thursday afternoon, and
very few people were
present. After a while, we
figured out that many of
them were wearing Pittsburgh
Penguins t-shirts. We
learned that they have a
game tonight, and we decided
to change locations and
drove to the stadium. We
arrived almost 2 hours prior
the event and found that
several hundred people
already were standing before
one entrance. We immediately
started preaching. After a
while we saw thousands of
people were walking toward
the show. We continued to
share the Gospel. People
were ignoring and angry.
Some were screaming at me,
but it didn’t surprise me
because more and more people
in our beautiful America
become against Christ my
Lord. But I was so happy,
when a little girl came to
me and asked for a New
Testament. We distributed on
that day 3 NT’s only, but
Praise God even for one.
People were hurrying to
watch the game, and it was
more important for them than
that salvation of their
souls, unfortunately.
We also had an opportunity
to have 3 days of outreach
in Sacramento. Within these
days we got a lot of “middle
fingers”. Our third day was
at St. Patrick day in Old
Sacramento, where thousands
of people celebrated this
event. We distributed a lot
of Christian brochures and
some NT’s. One man came to
me and asked for a prayer.
He told me that he has
cancer and wants to be
healed. If not, he wants to
die rather than live. I
responded by saying that we
will pray for his healing,
but may the Lord’s will be
done. Most important is
salvation of his soul, and
if he even dies, in the Lord
he will live, because Jesus
is Resurrection and Eternal
Life. After that we all
Thank you for your
partnership, dear brothers
and sisters. If God leads
your heart to support Bethel
ministry, please send your
donation to: Bethel
Messianic Congregation, PO
Box 360165, Cleveland Ohio
44136. All donations are tax
deductible. Please pray to
become our supporter by
prayers and giving if you
are not yet. Our ministry
needs more financial help,
and we need more faithful
supporters. Remember that
your prayers and financial
contributions are a great
partnership with this work
for glory of the
Lord-Messiah Yeshua,
especially at this End Times
Thank you for praying for my
family and Congregation.
May Lord richly bless you in
this Holyday season, Shalom
in Yeshua Bethel and bro.Igor.
Lord Jesus is risen- He is
risen indeed!